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Duro Buildings Accessories


The metal building is rapidly becoming more popular for a variety of reasons. They can be built very quickly and are extremely low in cost. They can easily adapt to any number of external architectural treatments without restricting their interior floor planning. A primary reason for this flexibility is the development of insulation specifically designed for metal buildings. The development of advanced insulation systems with more efficient thermal performance is so advanced that it has enabled metal buildings everywhere to evolve into many of the showrooms, retail outlets, schools, offices and shopping centers we see today.

Today's high-energy costs have made insulation a critical consideration during any construction planning. An insulation system that is properly selected and professionally installed will return more on its investment than any other building component. Insulation provides many benefits:

• Improved appearance
• Greater comfort
• Substantial reductions in fuel and electricity costs
• Condensation and noise control
• Reduction of the amount of investment dollars and space needed for heating and cooling equipment.
We carry a complete selection of insulation and different R-Values and Thicknesses:

Low- E in vapor pack or equivalent to R13

Building Colors

We offer a wide range of building color and trim options available. View our color chart here.

Roll Up Doors

They are designed for frequent usage and/or high wind usage. Good for lighting and/or heavy duty applications. We carry Hand Operated Doors, Reduced Chain Hoist Doors as well as Doors with Electric Operator. Our Roll Up doors utilize 12” drums. The maximum door size is 20’ wide x 16’ tall.
Options: Insulation 2750 Series

Additional Accessories

Here is a listing of our most common accessories. Don't see the exact accessory you need? Let us know as we can supply you with virtually anything you need for steel building accessories!

Item Details Image
10 ft. Continuous Ridge Vents Throat Sizes: 9 in., 12 in.
Options: With or Without Damper Chain Operator Kit
Single Hung Windows Finish: Plain or Bronze
Self-Flashing Louvers Options: Adjustable or fixed Louvers
Circular Vents hroat Sizes: 12 in., 20 in., 24 in. Options: With or Without Damper Chain Operator Kit
Fascia Projection: Maximum of 6 ft Heights: 3 ft. to 6 ft. Options: Sloped or Vertical
Roof Extensions In a wide range of sizes
Fire Hardware Take your safely to the next level.
Structural Canopies Projection: Up to 20ft Options: Soffit
Mezzanines Multiple Sizes and options available.
Purlin & Eave Overhangs Projection: Up to 6ft Options: Soffit
Horizontal Windows Finish: Plain or Bronze Glass: Clear Only
Sky Lights PanelTypes: R and Low Rib.
Wall Lights Panel Types: R and Low Rib
Walk Doors Sizes: 3070, 6070 Types: Standard, Mortise, Panic Options: Door Closer, Weather-strip



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